Media Gallery

The Media Gallery block allows you to seamlessly add images and videos to your Limey site.

preview of Limey's media gallery block in action

Supported File Types

You can upload the following file types:

  • Images: JPG, PNG, WEBP, SVG
  • Videos: MP4, WEBM, MOV, OGG

Adding Media Files

Follow these simple steps to upload your media:

  1. Add the Media Gallery Block: Start by adding the Media Gallery block to your page.
  2. Expand the Block: Click on the block to expand it.
  3. Upload Your Files: Drag and drop your files onto the “Click or drop to upload” area.

That’s it! Your media files are now uploaded.

Customization Options

Once your media is uploaded, you can customize the block to fit your style.

Under the Style tab, you can adjust:

  • Padding: Modify the spacing around your media.
  • Gallery Style: Choose how your images and videos are displayed.
  • Roundness: Adjust the corners of your media for a rounded or sharp look.
  • And more: Explore additional styling options that are available to make your gallery unique.