How to add a custom domain

Looking for a way to create memorable website URLs that match your brand? Customize your website URLs by using your own domain.

Although this guide walks you through the steps necessary to set up a root domain, you may follow the same steps for a subdomain.

⚠️ Custom domains are a Limey paid feature.

So that you can use different domains for different websites, the settings for custom domains are within each website’s settings panel.

You can navigate to the settings panel of each website from two different places.

The first place you can find your website’s settings is by clicking on the settings icon of the particular website.

The second place you can find the particular website’s settings is within Limey’s builder. The top navigation has all the essential icons, and one of them is for the website’s settings.

Regardless, of which direction you take, you’ll end up on the settings page. Once there, locate the plus icon to begin the process of adding your custom domain or subdomain.

After clicking the plus sign, you’ll need to provide the custom domain or subdomain you intend to use for the website.

If this is a root domain, you’ll need to decide how to handle the www prefix and hit continue.

The last step to making all of this work is updating the DNS records. You’ll need to add a TXT record and one or two CNAME records, depending on the selection you made in the previous screen.

Depending on your registrar, the DNS changes can take up to 24 hours to propagate.